So I finally went and saw Spider-Man 3 a couple weeks ago and all I can say is I'm glad I didn't have to pay to see it. I wasn't impressed. It was so CORNY! The best part of the whole thing was when the character of Sand Man first stands up. That was some amazing computer-animation work. And seeing James Franco come out of a chamber wearing nothing but black trunks. He is one fine human being.
I can't imagine taking your kid to this. The whole love-triangle thing got lame fast, not to mention it took up a majority of the movie.
The only thing you can do to enjoy this flop is go with a bunch of obnoxious or sarcastic friends and mock it out. That's what we did.
Shrek was also a disappointment at our theatre. It made things busier but not what I'd call a blockbuster by any means. At least where I work anyway. Where are all these big numbers happening? And from what I heard the movie itself wasn't very good.
This weekend Pirates of the Caribbean opens and all I can hope for is plenty of scenes with Cap'N Jack on the screen. And rain. LOTS of rain. If it rains, they will come.
I can't end this blog post without my usual bitching. Last weekend our theatre started a fund-raising drive. So EVERY customer who comes to the window we have to ask them if they want to donate a dollar. Yea, EVERY one. Let me apologize now to you all because I don't like doing this shit anymore than you do, but we're both going to have to tolerate it for the next 7 weeks.
"Yo ho, yo ho...a pirates life for me!"