Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Get Well Soon Gale!

Okay, what was my man doing on a motorcycle anyway?
And people wonder why I'm not a fan of those stupid things...
Now my favorite actor is in Intensive Care at the USC Medical Center
after wrecking one.
Oye...just when the gig on Desperate Housewives was going so well.
Get well soon sweet thing, Sunday nights'll suck without seeing you!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Don't Mess with the Bull Pt. 2

You're my bitches now Cowboy fans!
See what you get for cheering for a team in your own conference??
And against MY team no less.
You do NOT know who you're dealing with!

I just wish I had been at the bar to enjoy it.
The Cardinals have just become my favorite NFC team.
They block a kick in OT and score a TD on it.
Freakin FABULOUS!!

And now Romo is out with a busted digit.
Now you know Cow'fans...don't fuck with the only hurt yourselves!

Sunday, October 05, 2008

If you don't have something nice to say...

So I'm going to be a total hypocrite for a second to my blog post Title and talk about Cowboys fans.
Today, I was surrounded by them and they were ALL assholes.
If you have a team you love I totally understand.
I have mine, cheer for them every season whether they win or they lose. (today was the latter)

For some reason the Cowboy fans at the bar today decided that they were all anti-Bills.
Which is funny because they weren't even playing the Bills.
It was like they were more interested in being obnoxious and rude than to cheer for their own team. What's the point?
OH, because you're assholes there doesn't HAVE to be a point. Silly me.

Anyone who knows me knows that I don't keep my feelings regarding peoples stupidity to myself and this occasion was no different. But hey, you can't have a battle of the wits with un-armed people who think T.O is a wonderful human being.
So I had to sit there and take it; watch my team get beaten like a bunch of red-headed step children while the freakin "Cows" pulled out a win.
Yeah, it was freakin brutal.
And I was sitting by myself.
(Although there were plenty of Bills fans in the place, by the end of the game the fight in us had been sucked out I guess...but maybe that's a GOOD thing! lol)

All I can hope is Senior Karma comes back and bites those jerks in the ass!
Maybe it's time to pull out the old Italian maloque!
They don't know who they're dealing with!!