Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I know...Katrina talk is EVERYwhere....but my brain is practically forcing me to get my thoughts out there.
First of all....WHERE IS HOLLYWOOD?! Where are all those stars that turned out in droves when the Tsunami devistated land and now we have something JUST as bad on our soil and no one other than the American Red Cross and people who don't make 6 figure salaries seem to care. $10 toward it even hurts my wallet,..where are the millionaires??? It's a freakin tax write-off isn't it?!
If I was making Uma Thurman-like money I'd be shelling out a huge amount right now. How could you watch any of the coverage on TV and NOT want to do something. and if you still feel like a complete and utter heartless this...

now pick up the phone and call the American Red Cross already!!

I can think of some other people who could help out,...granted, this is just off the top of my head...I could give you more if I really THOUGHT about it:

Paris Hilton,..why don't you put down that 6 grand diamond incrusted thong and do something good in your life for a change?! you self-centered, barbie-doll idiot!!!
Hey Raffy Palmero. How about you take that salary you would've gotten during your steriod-induced haze and do something that might make the MLB fans forgive your sorry a$$!
Ashlee Simpson,....instead of lip-synching in the studio, how about signing a check and pay back the people who actually bought that piece of crap you called a CD last year.
Donald Trump,...get that comb over out of your eyes and do something someone would actually call decent for a change instead of lining your self-absorbed pockets.

okay...I'm done venting for now....I'll be back in about 5 minutes! lol

Sunday, August 07, 2005

I must admit, I've never been a fan of Tony Stewarts. I always thought he was a brat, a whiner, a trouble maker and the year he won the championship I still wasn't that impressed with him. (even though his winning speech at the banquet in NYC was definitely the highlight of the night) But today, I was happy for him. Maybe it's because he moved back home, into the house he grew up in no less. Maybe it's because he highlighted his hair knowing he'd get a load of flack for it from his team and probably anyone who gets near him at the race track. Maybe it's that he makes fun of the issue he has with his weight.
The thing is, I've never understood any actor, singer or athlete who grabs the spotlight and then bitches about what goes along with it. Don't get me wrong, I think paparazzi are the lowest form of life next to lawyers. And I know most media people (and I stress MOST) will make mountains of mole-hills just to have a story to write. but that still in my eyes doesn't give the "stars" the right to be abusive and uncooperative. Then you hear them complain "this isn't why I got into this business". Well, hello genuis. what did you THINK would happen after you had that top grossing movie or number one hit or championship? You'd just be ignored?
but getting back to Tony,..I was really happy for him today. Enjoyed the way he celebrated, saluted the fans and still was himself in the process.
Granted, it might be because one of my closest buddies in the NASCAR community told me that if I met him, I'd like him. So here I him a 2nd chance.
Enjoy it Smoke and I'll see ya at The Glen.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

My remote control was working OT last night. Between RU the Girl, Rock Star INXS, So you think you can Dance and the Blow Out Reunion....surprised I didn't burn the thing out.
If Jordis doesn't win the gig as INXS's new frontperson, something is REALLY wrong. She never ceases to amaze me and she's the only singer I can listen to without cringing.
T-Boz and Chilli confused the hell out of me; if an 18 year old girl got an opportunity to tour the world with the highest-selling female act in HISTORY, you think she'd say "no, i have to get on my cap and gown and go pick up that certificate that's going to end up collecting dust in a storage closet in about 6 years" Get a clue girls! you let the best singer last night slip through your fingers.
I only watched So you think you can dance when the other shows were at commercial. that show won't peak my interest until they get it down to about 10 people. (and even then I might not watch it, especially if the Yankees are on)
Blow Out was the usual Jonathan tear-fest. I'm still convinced that his future wife/mother of his or SOMEone's child is a total beard. But I could be wrong. Someone get his sister AWAY from the microphone and back to what she does best; shaking her a$$ with the Pussycat Dolls. is it me or is her face a MESS? botox-overload.
what happened to my Mike Mussina last night? I think the ump being inconsistant finally got to him or something, I've NEVER seen him give up a lead like that. Even when he was pitching here in the minors. Ah well, he's a human...not a pitching robot.