Thursday, August 04, 2005

My remote control was working OT last night. Between RU the Girl, Rock Star INXS, So you think you can Dance and the Blow Out Reunion....surprised I didn't burn the thing out.
If Jordis doesn't win the gig as INXS's new frontperson, something is REALLY wrong. She never ceases to amaze me and she's the only singer I can listen to without cringing.
T-Boz and Chilli confused the hell out of me; if an 18 year old girl got an opportunity to tour the world with the highest-selling female act in HISTORY, you think she'd say "no, i have to get on my cap and gown and go pick up that certificate that's going to end up collecting dust in a storage closet in about 6 years" Get a clue girls! you let the best singer last night slip through your fingers.
I only watched So you think you can dance when the other shows were at commercial. that show won't peak my interest until they get it down to about 10 people. (and even then I might not watch it, especially if the Yankees are on)
Blow Out was the usual Jonathan tear-fest. I'm still convinced that his future wife/mother of his or SOMEone's child is a total beard. But I could be wrong. Someone get his sister AWAY from the microphone and back to what she does best; shaking her a$$ with the Pussycat Dolls. is it me or is her face a MESS? botox-overload.
what happened to my Mike Mussina last night? I think the ump being inconsistant finally got to him or something, I've NEVER seen him give up a lead like that. Even when he was pitching here in the minors. Ah well, he's a human...not a pitching robot.

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