Saturday, July 30, 2005

NASCAR Busch series commercials featuring Busch beer crack me UP. They show a bunch of good-lookin' 20 something folks drinking their beer and toasting each other and laughing. To anyone who HASN'T been to a race weekend....those are NOT the kind of people that you'll see in the infield of a race. But I guess overweight, drunk, belligerent back-woodsy folks don't sell as much beer as a girl with a tight top, low-waisted jeans who weights 120lbs soaking wet does. Okay, there are pretty girls at NASCAR races,..but unless your job is behind the wheel of one of those race cars or if you work for a can probably kiss a hook up goodbye.
and the Wrangler jeans commercial is funny as well. There Jr is smilin' with his Wranglers on, walking down pit road and smiling at the folks waiting for autographs. I'm sure Dale's a great guy but any time I've seen him on a race weekend signing anything there hasn't been anything closely resembling a smile on his face. My friend wanted to get him to sign a couple hats last year so when we got near him before driver intros I got his attention and he obliged. He wasn't smiling or laughing like the commercial showed. I think he grunted, signed 'em and turned back around...that was it. Personally, I am NOT into autographs. I'd rather have a laugh or drink a beer than get a squiggle on a piece of paper from ANYONE...but that's just me. Anything else is just humiliating and somehow feels dehumanizing to me.
How about that Yankees come back? and here I thought that game was over! accept my apologies my beloved team...

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