Wednesday, July 27, 2005

It's hard being a singer these days and watching Reality TV. So Rock Star INXS just ended and they finally dumped more baggage. I know, crude...crass...but totally honest. Personally there's only one singer on there I can actually tolerate watching all of their performances and that's Jordis. Jordish? Jordache. You know how I'm talking about. The raspy-voiced chick with the dreds. I just have to wonder if that's the kind of look that INXS wouldn't mind fronting their band because WOW that girl has got skills. The blonde dude is tolerable. Marty, right? JD is terrible,..he should be in the bottom 3 next week now that the lousy broads are gone. I have issues with Brandon after he killed my favorite Squeeze song EVER. And Mig....someone get him a pair of pants where his unit is correctly covered.
I also tuned into R U the Girl with the remaining members of TLC. They managed to show 4 potential talents between clips of Chilli eating and them shopping for their kids. I love those two but this wasnt' quite the show I wanted to see. Anyway, I really liked the drummer from Boston's daughter....I think her name was Lauren. Meah....I don't know. A little too full of herself for me but it's early. That group doesn't need a Beyonce. The other girl had a great voice but,..something about her didnt' click for me.
and I'm saying this as HUGE TLC fan. I bought their first tape (yes,..tapes were the thing back then) just from reading a write up about in People magazine, for once even THEY got their review right. Played the crap out of it every day in to work and every drive home. Ain't to Proud to Beg baby, that's right! get out your condoms. Shock Dat Monkey. Hat to Da Back...that was one of my jams. So I think I know what'll fit this group almost as much as THEY do.
and who hasn't watched at least ONE episode of brat camp without going to their nearest teenage relative and kissing them on the head? MAN those are some screwed up kids. Someone bring back the days where a good spankin wouldn't help, why did some jacka$$ have to write a book and turn that into abuse? I got my share and I turned out okay. a little nuts but okay!
actually, a guy once told me that I was the most normal person he ever met. I wasn't sure whether it was a compliment or an insult.
so when does Blow Out season 3 start? (MAN i need a life!!)

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