Monday, April 24, 2006

I need me some Gale Harold

What is it about spring?
Most times of the year I feel semi-normal (at least as normal as I'll EVER feel) but spring makes me feel different.
I woke up Sunday morning realizing that I just had a dream about a celebrity, which for me is REALLY odd. I'm not a teenage girl. I don't have posters of the latest teen heart throb on my walls or magazines of celebrity's in my house.
I don't go to movies needing a drool bucket, I don't watch MTV hoping for a glimpse of the latest video by Teddy whats-his-name. It doesn't interest me.
There are a few athletes who I will say are VERY easy on the eyes but I don't dream about them either.
So what was I doing have a dream about slow dancing with Gale Harold?
He has a dorky name, doesn't he? What were his parents thinking?
"So what name can we give our son so he gets his ass beat every day at school? I know, let's call him Gale Morgan!” YUH! I'm sure they're nice people, but if they had a clue as to the stature to which their son was going to grow into, they could’ve come up with something better than THAT! He deserves the name Brad Pitt even more than Brad himself. (in my opinion anyway and if you don't agree...too bad, it's my blog! and I even appreciate Brad Pitt, but he is no Gale Harold)
If you're a heterosexual person and have never owned the channel Showtime on your cable network you probably don't know who Gale is. And that's okay. I think he's much happier being a semi-celeb than a BIG time celeb. I can't see his talent and looks keeping him under the radar much longer though.
So why wouldn't most common heteros know Gale? He had a lead part in one of the most controversial night time shows since Sex and the City. It was called Queer As Folk. You got it, it was SATC for gay men. Except somehow it also appealed to straight women, especially THIS straight woman. Gale played a unapologetic sex god in the city of Pittsburgh who fucked who he wanted, when he wanted and as often as we wanted and every woman watching cheered his fine ass on. Why? Because we wanted to see him nekkid. It's that simple. Which is funny because if he was a straight man doing the same thing, I doubt we would love him as much. Men wronging other men must be more okay with women!
But as much of a bastard as he was, he was still appealing. REALLY appealing. Tall, thin but by no means skinny, dark hair and the most entrancing hazel eyes I’ve ever seen.
In the very first episode he poured a water bottle over his head, stripped completely nekkid (with a great camera shot from behind) and asked his latest conquest “Are you coming or going? Or coming and then going? Or coming and staying?” It was classic. He was the ultimate sexual predator who was such a bastard that you just couldn’t help but want him as well.

But that’s not Gale, that was Brian Kinney.
Gale is said to be extremely intelligent, media-shy but un-apologetic about the role that made him (in)famous. So now we’ll see where his career takes him. He has a lead role in the upcoming CBS show Vanished, will play Wyatt Earp in a few episodes of the HBO series Deadwood and has a movie coming out called East Broadway.
Personally I don’t care what he does as long as I can turn on the TV and see him. (even if he is wearing clothes!)

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Here's a topic I have yet to really talk; religion.

I was raised Catholic. Baptised, had my first communion and was confirmed with the name Veronica. (I liked the name, what she stood for AND the fact that she was also an Archie's character)
I don't however go to church weekly. I go on major holidays just because it makes my mother happy. The service for me just got...empty. Stand up, sing this, say this, sit down, stand up again, kneel, shake hands with your neighbor, sing, take the host, kneel some more and then run for the car. I just wasn't getting anything out of it so when I was old enough to decide whether or not I wanted to go, I decided the latter. Not.
To be quite honest I probably would've stopped going years before that except for two reasons. One, my father MADE me go and two; youth group. As in choir. I was probably in one of the most amazing ones I've ever heard next to those kids in Sister Act 2.
I remember the day I was at Saturday 5:30 mass with my mother and heard the church youth group sing for the first time. Wow. There were a bunch of them too; all ages and sizes and three guitar players leading them. I had to join. So I did. Then dropped out, then joined up again about a year later when they had named themselves Morningstar.
For me it wasn't about the whole religion or singing infront of people in church, it was about being a voice in the middle of that sound. The harmonies were amazing. I had prided myself on being a pretty strong singer and have been known to drown out people by complete accident...but not in this group. There were strong singers everywhere.
That's when I was also introduced to the musical Godspell. Never heard of if but we sang practically every song off the soundtrack. Especially when the whole group went on a retreat. That album (this was pre-casette tape days) would get played to death. And we would act it out too. Recently one of the songs popped into my head and I haven't been able to get it out.
So what's my take on religion? Well....I don't believe that God is like Santa Claus and something that was made up like George Carlin says. I do believe that he exists, in his son and that there's a heaven and hell.
How else would you explain the power of music? Because when I think hard enough...I can still hear all those voices singing around me, it's SO comforting.

All Good Gifts
We plow the fields and scatter
the good seed on the land..
But it is fed and watered
by God's almighty hand..

He sends us snow in winter,
the warmth to swell the grain...
The breezes and the sunshine,
and soft refreshing rain...

All good gifts around us
Are sent from Heaven above
Then thank the Lord, thank the Lord for all his love...

We thank thee then, O Father,
for all things bright and good,
The seedtime and the harvest,
our life our health our food,

No gifts have we to offer
for all thy love imparts
But that which thou desirest,
our humble thankful hearts!

All good gifts around us
Are sent from Heaven above..
Then thank the Lord, thank the Lord for all his love..

I really wanna thank you Lord!
All good gifts around us Are sent from Heaven above..
Then thank the Lord, oh thank the Lord for all his love..

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Just a Get Well wish to the other half of the brain down in Chattanooga, TN.
Look, even Jonathan's worried about her!

"I just hope nothing happens to her bangin' hair..."

Monday, April 17, 2006

That's it?

Your Quirk Factor: 63%

You're so quirky, it's hard for you to tell the difference between quirky and normal.
No doubt about it, there's little about you that's "normal" or "average."
I thought it would be a MUCH higher percentage than THAT!

Friday, April 07, 2006

I really need a life!

When news like this gets me all excited, I think it's safe to say that I need a life!

It's official: Warner Bros. has announced that the Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix movie will hit theaters on July 13, 2007!

Granted, I'm kind of angry as well that I have to wait a year, 3 months and 6 days to see it. (Not that I'm counting or anything!)

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Bring it on Yankee-haters!

I love the Spankees. Call them what you want, say they're bought, say they're old and washed up or over-rated every year. I don't care. Most Yankee fans don't. Would you care if someone said the same about your favorite team? Probably not. After a while all the bashing gets humorous, not hurtful. So save your breath!

I love April baseball. The season is fresh, the players are tanned and ready to go. Something about opening day just makes you happy; maybe it's because it means spring (unless of course you live in the Northeast) and that summer isn't far away. Fall being right around the corner from there. (my favorite season)
Maybe it's because it reminds you of sitting in the stands for a lazy, lovely Sunday double-header where you can smell the hots and hear the crack of the bat and the pop of the glove. Like Ray Liotta's Shoeless Joe said about baseball in the movie Field of Dreams "It's the sounds, the smells".
I love going to the ballpark; I just wish I did it more often.
But then there's always YES Network to fill my empty heart with Yankee joy. Yeah, the Yankees have their own freakin network. THAT'S gotta piss the haters off! Does any other team have one of their own? Doubt it, but I could be wrong.

I have my favorite Yankees. Currently it's Mike Mussina. Gotta love Michael Cole. (although I have to apologize the best pic I can find of him was in his 'Birds-wear, see upper-left) What's to hate? He keeps his yapper shut and just goes about his business. Not to mention he's a brain with a degree from Stanford.
I got to see Mike pitch here in Rochester for Triple-A before he went on to the Orioles for a few years. He was always an interesting pitcher to watch. Infact, I got an up-close and personal view of a work-out of his one time. The teams pitching coach was catching for him, I'm not sure what they working on, but the ball was just whizzing within feet of the fence that seperated me from the field. Saying that it was impressive was an understatement. I remember the coach looking over at me and saying "How did that look?" and I said "wow....very nice!" and they both laughed. I really didn't know what to say, I was just enjoying the moment. You know the kind,..when you know it'll never happen again. People say Mike isn't as good a pitcher as he used to be,..who is. All I know is I'd rather have him on my team than hit against him.

My all-time favorite Yankee is Don Mattingly, but at the same time I have to wonder about the Mattingly curse. Is it any coincedence that we never won a championship when he was a player and we're having the same issues ever since he became the hitting coach? If you're a sports fan you know, we're all VERY superstitious! As much as I love will take another ring to make me think otherwise.
But I still have the utmost respect for Don. To me he was a true Yankee; came up through the farm system, busted his ass and kept the press at bay the best he could. Him and Jeter are alot alike in that way,..respected by people with brains in their heads. Even rival Sox fans like him although they refuse to ever speak it as so.

So here's to best team money can buy. Without the haters it wouldn't be as much fun to win, so thanks!

and GO YANKS!!

Monday, April 03, 2006

10 people every woman needs

Read this on today and thought it was SO true! I added who I think those people are to for me so, enjoy:

1. An Ethel Mertz. (I have a FEW of these) This lifelong friend will be there for all your impetuous "Lucy" moments, whether you're embarking on a crazy scheme (spying on your ex, dying your hair pink) or nipping at the Vitameatavegamin.

2. A boy friend. (Mike) As in platonic male pal. While he'll never replace your girlfriends for late-night Ben & Jerry's gossip sessions, having a Ben or Jerry in your life can be just as beneficial. With him, you're free to sport your dowdiest duds, have a heated political discussion (without fear that it will carry into the bedroom) and even belch out loud. He'll be your plus-one at parties and the third wheel when you need a buffer. And his insight is especially helpful for all those "Y" questions, such as, "Why are men so...?" "Why did he...?" and "Why won't he...?"

3. A born-to-shop pal. (my sister) This sartorial sidekick will not only help you find flattering outfits amid the chaos of your closet, she'll also score a heavenly pair of black pumps for you (on sale!)-even when she's shopping for herself.

4. A money manager. (Janet) A financial advisor can help you get fiscally fit, from reducing your debt to funding your kids' education.

5. A fitness buddy. (Christine and Sharon) Pairing up can help you slim down. In one University of Pittsburgh study, participants who worked out with pals lost 33 percent more weight than those who exercised solo. "In addition to providing increased motivation and better results, exercising with a partner is just a lot more fun," says Charles Stuart Platkin, author of Breaking the Pattern (Red Mill Press, 2002).

6. A gynecologist. Despite the skimpy paper gown and awkward position, this relationship can save your life.

7. A Bea Arthur. (I think I'M that person in my circle-o-friends) They don't call her a "Golden Girl" for nothing. Having an empowered, feisty female role model lends wonderful perspective.

8. A trusted hairstylist. (Kelly and Bridget) Trusted being the key word. This is someone who comprehends the meaning of "just a trim" and can teach you how to achieve salon results at home. How to find your mane man or woman? Ask someone with locks you love for the name of her stylist. (Of course, once you settle down with the shear genius, you'll need to keep the news to yourself.)

9. A dream lover. (oye, do I dare list them??) You're in a committed relationship (no I'm not!), but every so often, you picture yourself getting jiggy with Ashton Kutcher/Tyrese/the UPS guy. Sick and twisted? Nah. Imagining yourself in an intimate situation with someone other than your partner is normal-and then some. "Sexual fantasies increase interest and arousal and decrease anxiety," says Wendy Maltz, coauthor of Private Thoughts (New World Library, 2001). Hey, as long as it takes you both to rapturous heights, he never has to be the wiser.

10. A child. (my nieces and my nephew) Watching a kid (yours or someone else's) at play reminds you how simple and joyful life can be.