Sunday, December 30, 2007

Flashback Video: Mr. Big - Wind Me Up

So I stumbled upon this video while searching through VH1 Classic's video catalog. WOAH did it bring back memories!
When the CD with this song came out, we got a promotional copy at the record store where I worked. I took it home because i fell in love with it and all my co-workers weren't big rock fans.
So after listening to it a million times and memorizing the songs I was convinced that they would MAKE it Big at SOME point.
Then some time later they came to town for a show.
First they did the obligitory appearance at a local music store where some friends of mine worked.
Jumping the line I found my working buddies and asked if they could get the guys in the group to sign a magazine for me.
So he took it up to the table and pointed me out to the guys so they knew who it was for.
Once the mag got into the hands of the lead singer, Eric Martin, he stopped and thought. For a pretty long time too.
Then he seemed to write a novel and hand it back to my friend who brought it to me. (Needless to say, I was curious!)
What Eric wrote was "Love Kills, stop me before I kill again!"
Of course, I took this as a bit of a compliment.
That night after the show the band hung around and mingled with us commoners because the basz player is from Buffalo but for some reason there wasn't a stop in his hometown on their tour. His whole family was there.
Anyways...I was standing talking to a friend of mine when Mr. Martin walked by. (who am I kidding...I didn't take my eyes off him for one minute when they were done, I had to say something!)
So as he got near me I said "Love kills!"..which stopped him in his tracks. He turned to me a bit confused and I said "Love kills, stop me before I kill again? That sounds like a good song title to me!"
He laughed, remembering suddenly where that came from.
I don't remember how long he stood talking to me and my buddy, all I remember was loving every minute of the attention and paying him TONS of compliments on his singing.
Well, there wasn't a song called Love Kills on their next CD but there was a song called "Be With You" that became a HUGE hit and brought the stripped-down ballad into style in the early 90's.
What can I say, I know talent when I see it!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


This is a true story straight from an incident that occured last night at the movie theatre where I work:

We had a sneak preview of the movie "I Am Legend" and while the ushers were cleaning the theatre after the show, they found someone's partial on the floor
(if you don't know what a partial is, it's basically fake teeth on a bridge)
One of the ushers was pretty sickened by it being there and pushed it with her broom over to the other usher because she just couldn't bring herself to pick it up
Eventually it ended up in a courtesy cup in the lost and found
About an hour or so later a customer came up to the service desk and asked if we had found a partial in the theatre
I told her we had and she was ecstatic, so I handed her the cup and turned away to take care of another customer
Fortunately I didn't see what happened next, but my manager did.
The lady took the partial out of the cup and, without hesitation, PUT IT IN HER MOUTH!!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Sex and the City Movie Trailer!

There's nothing I hate more than falling asleep early in the night only to wake up around midnight and know that you're going to be awake for the next....3 hours. (ugh)
but I'm so giddy right now....I feel like a little kid on Christmas morning.

A short trailer has been released for the Sex and the City movie that's going to be released this spring.

I don't know about you, but not seeing those 4 women once a week really has been difficult. What can I say, they became people I loved. although I do love the SNL take-off of their conversations and then PUNS!

Anyway, to any other SATC and enjoy and share the giddiness!!