Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Where have I been??

I don't think I've gone a whole month without updating this blog but....I did. Sorry.
What can I say, August was a crazy month.
I went to a NASCAR race weekend and had a great time...only to get home and find out I had a blood clot in my left leg below my knee.
Spent less than 24 hours in the hospital which was 24 hours TOO much.
Seriously, this was my first time in the hospital since I was a kid. I didn't like it then and I didn't like it now.
For one thing, the people who "check you in" at the Emergency Room..not nice. Hello. You're hurt or ill or whatever and you're upset and they can't even have the decency to be sociable to you?
Then I got wheeled to a bed and sat in said bed in the hallway of the ER. Not the trauma unit thank goodness. There were enough sick people there to tolerate I really didn't need to see any real nasty stuff. The worst was when some guy went walking looking for a bathroom and peed all over the floor right by me. And my friend Janet got a great view of it. Then his girlfriend/wife/whatever made some comment like we were giving him dirty looks. Seriously, bitch wanted to start a fight in the ER?!?!? What a jackass. Excuse me if I don't smile when someone walks by pissing on the floor.
I had great folks who came by to "work on me" while I was in the ER. Anthony, the resident vampire and another guy whose name escapes me who had to put his finger where no one should have to put their finger. My comment to him was "You had to go through years of medical school to do that???"
So I laid there, AND laid there, AND laid there. Wait, wait, wait. Rumor had it that they were going to send me in for a CAT scan. Which didn't sound like fun 'cause all I heard about was some glass of crap you have to drink before you go in there.
Next thing I know they were wheeling me and my bed up to the observation unit for the night. Room 73..or was it 72. I had a phone, a TV which was blocked when I pulled my screen across and they even brought it some yummy hospital food.
Fortunately my friends didn't leave me alone until almost 11pm that night. Which was great. I didn't want to be by myself. I was little-kid scared in that place.
The fun part was when the nurse came by to tell me not only was I going to be given a blood thinner pill but a shot because it takes the pill 4-5 days to take affect.
I had my choice of where I wanted the shot; my arm, the top of my thigh or my stomach. I chose the latter...just seemed to be where it would hurt the least. It wasn't bad at all.
I think I slept maybe 15 minutes that night. Some dude across the hall from me snored louder than any human I have ever heard. And, of course, they were coming by almost every hour to take my blood pressure, my temperature and my pulse. Is it me or does the blood pressure machine in the hospital get so tight in almost crunches your bones? Geez! Like sick people aren't in enough pain already, thanks!
In the middle of the night they woke up Senior Snore and I heard the nurse say that he probably has Sleep Apnea. No shit Sherlock. I'm not even a medical student and I could've told you that!
Then there was the cleanup people there. Those fuckers do not know how to whisper. They walk through there practically yelling at the person standing next to them. Ummm..HELLO. People trying to sleep here. And if you give me a dirty look because I have my Grover plush in bed with me I'll get right outta this bed and kick you in the ass! LOL
Yeah, I had my Grover plush. I told you, I was kid-scared in that place.

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