Ever since I can remember, I've liked birds. Well, I always liked animals but I've almost always had a bird. We had an Chinese Nightengale named Admiral when I was a kid. Couldn't tell you what he even looked like but I remember his cage and that we fed him crushed dog food and meal worms. I've also had canaries; many canaries. Presently I have one canary who I bought for my cousin; who lost interest in it and gave it to her mother who traded it with me for my obnoxious, biting yet charming parakeet named Louise, who I adopted from my friends Jimmy and Elaine. I also have a pair of parakeet brothers now who I've named Jimmy and Stewart. (pictured) They reek havoc on my ears some times but are also adorable and entertaining.
One thing I can't quite remember is how or where my fascination with wild birds began. I know alot of the breeds and I can sit and watch them feed for hours without getting bored; unless it's a flock of sparrows. Where did this come from?
My sister is into it; so is my Mother and my Aunt. My sister actually has a set-up from the store Wild Bird's Unlimited which I call the bird feeder Taj Mahal. Last year I even hung feeders in a tree outside a window at work until the bitches I work with complained so I had to either move them to a tree I wouldn't be able to see from a window, or take them down. I chose the later. (however I did recently hang a hummingbird feeder; who could complain about that?)
Now I'm a little pre-occupied with hanging feeders outside my apartment. The problem is, I'm on the 2nd floor of a house. Solution? Hang them from whatever hardware I can find on my sun porch. I now have a Squirrel Buster Min, which the squirrels have gotten so aggravated with they did something to it which made it pop off the hardware and plummet down from the 2nd level into the front yard. The bastards! I rescued all but one important piece which is probably caught up in the multi-layer roof or a gutter somewhere.
Then yesterday I purchased a really nice window feeder and, sure enough, this morning a chickadee and a couple house finches found it. (see picture of the chickadee visiting)
Future plans; get out the power drill and attach some more hardware so I can hang another Squirrel Buster Mini, get a window hook to hang a hummingbird feeder and some more hardware to hang an Oriole Feeder. I did spot an Oriole outside my house in a bush last year. Who knew; Orioles in the hood?
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