During this wonderful time of unemployment, I've found that the one thing I have really focused on is comfort. I've always been about comfortable jeans instead of what's in style, I love comfortable clothes like sweats and t-shirts and dare I even say comfort food? Too much of it actually! I'm a boredom eater and since I've obviously been bored, I think my grocery bill has doubled! Fortunately, my waist hasn't.
But getting past that, there are others thing I've found extremely comforting. The most significant is movies. Yeah, movies! Ever since the employment bombshell was dropped back in October I've found that the best way to relax my mind and body so I can get to sleep is by popping an old movie into the DVD or even my VHS player. My favorites are Cyrano de Bergerac (the Jose Ferrar version, which I think I can recite by heart by now), Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Valley Girl, Mary Poppins and The Muppet Movie (although for some reason the song Rainbow Connection tends to make me cry lately so I try to stay away from that one if I'm feeling lower than usual). Last night I fell asleep to Willy Wonka, the original. I never made it to inside the chocolate factory. passed out, sawing wood...zzzzzzzzzzzz.
And then there's old TV shows. I don't know how many times I've watched Happy Days episodes on YouTube the last couple months. Especially stuff from seasons 3-5, there's some really great ones. Like when the guys went to Lake Whitefish for Easter break and rented the front of a house. They told those older women who were renting the house itself that they were Tunisian Camel jockeys. OMG...hahahaha! They just don't make shows like that anymore!
And the last comforting thing; smells. Specifically, my favorite Italian deli and Play Doh. Home and childhood. They say smells are the strongest memory trigger. Makes me hungry and nostalgic all at the same time!
I think I'll go eat something until the show Too Cute comes on Animal Planet. Bring on the kittens! I also find comfort in cuteness!
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