My best buddy calls it eclectic. I think it's just nuts and all over the place, but that's just me!
I had a to work at the movie theatre all weekend. Considering it was one of the busiest weekends of the year, thank you Simpsons movie, it was a given that eventually I would have to deal with some assholes. The percentages were just too high.
Not to disappoint, there were 3 of them that stand out most in my mind. Shockingly, they were ALL women.
Asshole #1: Friday night a small women came to my window and said "You have my credit card" and I said "Excuse me?" Since I don't remember how the rest of the conversation went, probably mentally blocking it so that the hot-blooded Italian in me doesn't start to bubble again, all I can say...WHAT the FUCK?? Basically, she didn't believe me. She said she used her credit to pay for the tickets and didn't have it anymore which means I had it. Oh...okay. So I told the bitch, MORE than once, that I didn't have ANY credit cards. I give them back. Now here's where I screwed up. Instead of sending her to the service desk to talk to a manager, I asked her to wait and I'd check and see if one had been turned in. Sure enough, one had so I asked her for her ID so I could make sure it was hers. And it was. The thing is, because of how I handled it, she took that as me lying to her. Yeah, that's me. I'm a fucking credit card stealer. I'm all about identity theft. I was gunna take her card and buy everyone in the theatre a round of popcorn. That's what I get for being helpful and honest and that's the last time I try and take care of it on my own. You have a beef or need to find something, go talk to a manager because I don't paid enough to put up with caustic bullshit.
Asshole #2: Sunday afternoon. A women and her son come to the window. She buys two tickets to The Simpsons Movie. So I tell her, $14. She looks at me like I had three heads. She said "FOURTEEN DOLLARS? For me and him??" and I said "yes." and she says "Fuck! Isn't this a matinee?" And I said "Yes" and she says "How much are the tickets??" Okay....the referree just threw the idiot flag. Fourteen dollars and the bitch can't divide that by TWO??? So I reply "$7" and she says "Fuck" and slides the money through the window with all the attitude she can muster. So I slide her change back w/the SAME attitude and say "Can I help who's next?" Which is the nice way of saying "Get the hell away from my window before I verbally pound you into the lobby bricks". I don't make the prices.
and finally..the highlight of weekend (although it's kind of tie between this and #1)
Asshole #3: Sunday afternoon. Two young girls approach my window and ask for tickets to the movie I Know Who Killed Me. May I first say, thank you SO much Lindsay "why don't you buy a permanent residence in rehab because you're gunna need it" Lohan for making an R-rated movie. So I ask them "I need to see ID" and I get the three-headed monster look again. One girl says "It's in my car..." and I say "you're going to have to get it" so they go off. A few minutes later, here they come. One girl hands me ID...and I look at it and she's just turned 17 a few months ago. Fine, no problem. I look at her friend. She doesn't have any. So I tell her, I'm sorry but I can't sell you a ticket. And her friend asks me "Can I buy hers for her?" and I tell her the policy. "No, you have to be at least 21 in order to buy a ticket for someone who's not 17 or someone who doesn't have ID". So on her cellphone she hops. So a question pops in my head and I radio the manager and tell her what's going on. I said "I think she's on the phone with a parent right now. If they come in, can they just buy tickets for them or do they have to get one too and go into the movie with them." And sure enough, they have to go in with them. I figured, but I wanted to make sure. So I tell the girl "If you're on the phone with your parents, let them know that they can't just buy you a ticket. They have to get one and go into the movie with you too" So I hear her relaying the message and they walk out the door. So, I figure it's over. WRONG. About 10 minutes later...here come the two girls again with a mother-looking woman who comes STRAIGHT for my window. She says "Can you explain what's going on because we've never had this problem before" So I tell her our companies policy. And she says, again "I don't see what the problem is, we've never had to do this before" so I said "I can't speak for how other employees do their job. All I know is how I was trained and what our company policy is and that is that if someone doesn't have ID to prove they're 17, they have to be accompanied by a parent or someone who is over 21. A 17 year old cannot buy them a ticket. The funny part was during her ranting the girl in the box office with me heard her say, and I was too PO'd and blind angry to hear it, that the other girl was a minor. Which most likely means, she wasn't 17. Hence not having ID. So eventually the mother just gave me the wave off and left.
Okay, so maybe I was being a theatre nazi but here's the deal. A, I think the rule is right. B, that movie is a pile of crap so I saved them $14. and C, if the mother really cared that her daughter saw this movie why didn't she just go in and watch it with them. Oh, I know....it's SO much easier to drop your kid off somewhere so you don't have to deal with them.
No wonder our society is so fucked. Look what great examples we're setting for the kids. Treat people who are just doing their jobs like shit.
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