Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A dream that will need, all the love you can give...

So tonight was the first REAL rehearsal. All Nuns (ensemble and leads) were to report to the center at 8pm. As always, I arrived early.
Maria and the Von Trapp kids were rehearsing when I walked in. I could hear Maria, that was about it. The musical director was teaching the kids their parts for the Goat Herder song. Then I noticed the girl who was casted as Liesl. Wow - what a voice she has! Definitely experienced and a bit opera-like but not in a trilly, watch-your-vibrato way. She's gunna give Maria a run for her money vocally.
I have to mention this; can I tell you how annoyed I was at adults being rude asses; chit-chatting loudly while the kids were rehearsing? It's not like there was a door between the people waiting and the rehearsal room. I seriously wanted to play librarian and "shhhhhhhh" their ignorant arses!
As soon as the kids and Maria were done, all us nuns sat in three rows of chairs with the Musical Director and piano in front of us. A couple people were missing during role call and from what I heard, they hadn't gotten in touch with one person who was casted. I say, cut her ass! LOL
Next the MD (musical director) asked who wanted to sing what part because the songs were mostly 3-4 part harmony. I chose either mezzo soprano/alto 1 or alto 2, depending on where he needed me. I ended up Alto 2.
Before I go on to complain about singing in Latin, I have to mention voice lessons before I forget! I decided that if I was going to do this part right and impress my cast mates and the directors, I'd take voice lessons. I haven't had any in years, not since college so I can't recall a lot of things like breathing techniques, warm up techniques, things like that. I emailed my first voice teacher; knowing she'd be busy with all the choirs and classes at the high school, I asked her if she could recommend anyone. I emailed the woman she mentioned, but that woman emailed me back saying her studio was booked solid. So I emailed my poor teacher again and looked around online. I found this one website with the instructor my ex-teacher mentioned and another woman was pictured next to her. I recognized her as a woman who was casted in the same musical. If it wasn't her, it was definitely her younger sister.
So when we went to sit down for rehearsal, I made a point to sit next to her so I could ask her. Turns out, it was her. (she really needs to update her picture, it was taken what appears to be about 10-15 years ago) I felt a little embarrassed asking a cast mate for lessons but let me tell ya what, the woman can sing! Her solo parts in the middle of the parts we were all learning were amazing. I can understand why she was casted as Mother Abbess.
Getting back to rehearsal; they had us move so the singing parts were sitting together and then we attempted to learn old-style latin. I STILL don't have it right. That's another thing this woman is going to have to teach me is how to pronounce these lyrics correctly. I found myself skating a bit vocally but I suffered through it happily. Especially when I was making jokes and getting to that place where the 4-part harmony hit JUST right. It was pretty impressive for a first rehearsal.
I had to laugh at one part, the MD reminded me of my high school physics teacher. (who flunked me by the way) Not because of his personality, but because of how he said the word measure. It's more like "MAYHshur". It cracked me up every time. We used to mock that teacher mercilessly but this guy wasn't so out of touch with his students. Especially when he told us 3 ways to keep from singing flat when you're singing accapella:  Raise your eyebrows, wiggle your toes or clench your butt cheeks. My response "All at the same time while staying in harmony AND singing latin?!" Ahhh...the lovely sound of people laughing at my jokes! Music to my ears!!

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