Monday, September 17, 2012

Doh-nec Poh-num In-EE-me-cos-tu-ohs

Tonight I had my first voice lesson in...about 28 years. I'm not so confident about my singing that I don't think there's any room for improvement. I know there's better ways to warm up, breath and other techniques. To say I learned a few things just in one class is an understatement.
I'll start by saying my voice teacher (we'll just call her VT) has a GORGEOUS house. She doesn't live very far from me and I knew the street was gives the house I live in a run at the ridiculously gorgeous title. I was seriously expecting to see a grand piano in the living room; it wouldn't have looked out of place.
We talked about how I started singing, what made me decide to audition and she told me her background as well.
Then she had me sing some scales. From that she broke down some ways to make my tone better. I have never had my posture corrected. Other than the usual stand up tall, chest out and don't stick out your chin. Leaning to one side, which I was going upstructs your breathing, just changing that made a difference. So we worked on breathing, and releasing breath and how to use that natural breathing instead of pushing it. Just those few tweeks made a difference. Not only how I my voice sounded but how it felt.
After a while we went over just a couple lines of one of the song we have to sing in the musical. Not just about breathing and speaking through it but using different voices to change the tone. One was talking a bit like Mickey Mouse or anunciating like you're from Canada. But big ROUND tones. She explained it as "speaking with an imaginary golf ball in your mouth." It feels REALLY strange, but it made sense with what she was going for.
I think I'll drive my co-workers crazy with that for the next week! At least I'll have an excuse as to why for a change!

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