After living in the heart of the city of Rochester for the last 6+ years I've learned that Drivers Ed, my drivers test and all those years behind the wheel didn't teach me a thing.
People who live and drive in the city have a completely different set of rules. I'm exposed to new ones every day.
So here is the short list of things I've learned:
You can stop at ANY time with no regard to the people behind you. Especially to talk to someone who's walking down the street. No need to pull over. And make sure you give the cars behind you a dirty look or better yet call them a bitch when they honk their horn and find some way to get around you.
Parking your car on the street is fine, feel free to leave lots of room between your car and the curb.
Stopping at red lights is optional.
To figure out the mph for each street, read the sign and mulitply the number by 3.
Left on Red
Be sure to leave that 2 inches of braking space between you and the car ahead of you.
To take a left onto a busy street, pull your car into the middle of the intersection. Once the oncoming cars have screeched to a halt, you're free to go. (shit, just go...don't wait for them to stop)
2 lanes merging into one isn't a problem, drive up until you can't go any further and be sure to cut someone off so you can get over.
Turn signals are for pussies
Glad I practiced those K-turns and parallel parking, they've come in SO handy!
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