Saturday, December 16, 2006

"You nauseate me, Mr. Grinch..."

I was born around the hey-day of Christmas Specials; Rudolph, Frosty and one of my favorites...How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
Although I admit that the live-action version with Jim Carrey is one of my favorites, the original animation holds a special place in my heart as well. There's something about showing someone whose anti-Christmas that makes this time of year even warmer and fuzzier!
While searching for a song on one of my favorite Christmas sites ( I noticed that they had the full audio version of the cartoon downloaded.
So I thought I'd share it with you and hope that it makes doing your homework or 9-5 work more tolerable.
And just so you know, it's not the TV version but a version where Boris Karloff does ALL the voices; but it does include all the music!

Friday, December 15, 2006

A little visual gift for Emily

And all the other red-blooded women who read this blog....

Unfortunately I can't wrap this up in a bow and put it under the tree for my niece!
and just in case you don't know who he is:

Nothing like a little Brayden for the holidays!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Don't be a Scrooge!

I know as well as anyone that holidays can be a stressful time of year.
No money, no time....just crazy, keep-you-awake-at-night stress.

This article that I read in the New York Daily News today makes some great points:
(I hope my sister reads this, she has the holiday-crazy bug worse than ANYone!)

Ho, No Holiday Stress
Coping with the demands of the Season

by Jean Chatzky

Time is money, the middle of the holiday season, it can seem as though you don't have enough of either. Not only do you have to scrape together money to buy presents, you also have to find windows in your busy days to hit the stores, go to holiday parties, entertain out-of-town guests and, if you're really ambitious, decorate your house.

To make things worse, this season just naturally seems to lend itself to clutter. Gifts need to be stored or even hidden, wrapping paper is ev erywhere and visitors leave things behind. As if that's not enough of a mess, you have to find a place in your home for all of the new stuff coming in.

"Everybody's eyes are bigger than their schedules," said Julie Morgenstern, time management expert, author of "Never Check E-mail in the Morning" and creator of her own line of organizers. "There are just so many things that you need to do during this time of year."

So, how do you take care of it all and clear the decks before New Year's Day with a peaceful mind? You don't. Morgen stern said the key is trimming the fat and finding a balance that you're happy with.

Jean Chatzky is the author of the bestselling book "Pay It Down!"
Additional reporting by Arielle McGowen

Anti-stress to do list

Map it out. Forming your plan of attack in advance is always the best thing to do when approaching a high-stress situation. Get out a piece of paper and a pen (leave the computer out of this — it's way more satisfying to cross things off a list) and write down everything you need to get done between now and the holiday.

Don't worry about prioritizing just yet; instead, throw it all down there, no matter how small the task. Then, said time management expert Julie Morgenstern, put a realistic time estimate on the paper to reflect how long each item will take. After you've done that, it's time to add it all up. Literally. Get out a calculator, and start punching in the numbers until you have the total number of hours remaining until you can crumple up that list and recycle it.

Decide what is most important. Clearly, you're not going to be able to accomplish your entire list if it adds up to 200 hours. (Mine did. Bah, humbug.) So, Morgenstern suggested ironing out your priorities. What are three things that make the holiday season really special for you? Maybe you like to bake, decorate your house and spend time with your family, but you aren't so keen on shopping for gifts. Make those three things a priority, and cut down on shopping time by going online.

Delegate or delay. If your list includes things that aren't urgent, then by all means focus on them another time — like next year.

Even things that seem of-the-moment can occasionally be put off. Example: Holiday cards. Send New Year's cards, or Valentine's Day cards, or even random I-didn't-have-time-during-Christmas-but-still-wanted-to-send-my-love cards. If this doesn't appeal to you, or you cannot fathom the idea of no holiday cards, you might want to consider delegating the duty. There are companies that will send out hand-written cards for you to your specifications, or you could try swapping with a friend or neighbor: You'll bake an extra batch of cookies that she can give to her friends, if she'll write up holiday cards that you can give to yours.

Treat your house to a big cleanup. It may seem like just another thing to add to your already overflowing list, but giving your house a fresh polish can actually make you feel less stressed.
Morgenstern suggested cleaning room by room, starting with those that are going to be the most used — the living room, dining room, foyer, kitchen and bathroom — if you have family and friends coming to visit. That way, when someone calls from their car and asks if it's okay to pop by, you won't spiral into a panic at the mere thought.

Make a donation. "I think the holidays are a great excuse to do a big purge through your house," Morgenstern advised.
Neglected stuff in your closet and your children's closets are a great way to help others during a season that is supposed to be based on giving. Go through each closet, and get together a couple of boxes to give to a clothing drive or local shelter. Explain to your children that they have to get rid of a few toys they don't play with anymore to make room for the new ones they are going to get.

Know that it's okay to turn down an invitation. You can't go to every party, dinner and work event. So don't. Pick and choose the ones that mean the most to you and attend those. Don't feel bad about saying you aren't going to be able to make it to the others — go ahead and pull a reason off your list.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Bitch doesn't win the Battle of the Blondes

For once on a reality show the nice girl finished first!
I've admitted before that I watch reality shows and I've been hooked on America's Next Top Model since Cycle 2.
So tonight I suffered through another hour (personally, the cat fights got old in Cycle 2), I like watching the whole process of the photos and what exactly they WANT from the contestants. All the other crap is just Jerry Springer BS to me.

During the finale I thought for sure my favorite's goose was cooked. Her Covergirl photo was gorgeous but when the race is tight, they've always picked the girl who won the runway.
I gave in. When Tyra said "Americas Next Top Model Is....." I finished the sentence with "Melrose" and WAIT!
There was Caridee's picture on the screen!
You would've thought the Bills had won the Super Bowl! (well, I guess I wasn't THAT loud) But I did cheer, and clap and say "OH MY GOD!!" at least 10 times.
I still can't believe it!
Yea, Caridee did bitch alot about Melrose. She was a drama queen like the rest but something about her I still liked. Somewhat of a Vendela quality I guess. That sweetness with a bit of crazy underneath.
To me Melrose was just an annoying perfectionist car salesman.
Hell, she'll get modeling gigs anyway but at least I won't have to see her pathetic mug during the theme song next season or hear her say "This is my life as a Cover Girl"


Monday, December 04, 2006


It is that time of year to be holly and jolly but sometimes it's easier to be a Grinch. Or a Scrooge.

So last year I listed my favorite Christmas songs, so this year I decided to be a LITTLE harder on myself and list my favorite Christmas movies/specials.

And yes, I’m SAYING Christmas. Not holidays, or any of that other PC crap. CHRISTMAS, CHRISTMAS, CHRISTMAS!
If you don’t like it….sue me. Oh wait, you can’t…it’s a blog! BAHAHAHAHA!

So here they are:

13 - Santa Claus is Coming to Town: Burgermeister Meisterburger made this special funny. And the Winter Warlock. "Put one foot infront of the other...."

12 - Frosty the Snowman “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” Another special where the villain in it makes it funny. That and the rabbit. “Busy, busy, busy!”

11 - Emmet Otter’s Jugband Christmas: An amazing muppet story told by Jim Henson and his band of incredibly talented puppeteers. That I know of it was only aired on HBO but has recently been released to DVD. A great story of the true meaning of Christmas; family, friends and music! and of course, the Christmas branch!

10 - The Snow Queen: Not as well known as the others but the original version from the 60’s is pretty amazing. Of what I read one of the animators eventually went to Disney. (look at the Queen herself and you’ll see the familiar work) I remember the intro by Art Linkletter very well. “1 snowflake, 2…”

9 - The Santa Clause: One of the best of the more recent Christmas films. Yeah, it’s got the Disney corniness but you can’t beat the weight gain and the hair growth!

8 - A Year Without a Santa Claus: Heat Miser and Snow Miser make this more memorable "I'm Mr. Green Christmas, I'm Mr. Sun.."

7 - How the Grinch stole Christmas (animated): I remember drawing The Grinch in kindergarten and getting a star for it. You can’t beat Boris Karloff’s voice. And Max, poor sweet Max.

6 - White Christmas: I hadn’t seen this movie until a few years back but it made me love Danny Kaye even more and see what a dork Bing Crosby was. (okay, so he was playing a character..but still!) Some of the best corny music too, especially “Snow” and “Sisters”. I will admit that when the General makes his entrance in the final scene I always cry like a baby!

5 – Scrooge: A Christmas Eve tradition at my sisters house. The lesser known musical version of the Dickens story.

4 - Charlie Brown Christmas: TV Land named this the #1 Christmas special of all time. Because they're all so hard to rank I still had to put it in my top 5. You have to love Linus receiting (and in this PC day and age I am SO glad that they haven't cut that part out), Snoopy decorating his house and Charlie Brown's choice in trees! Not to mention Vince Giraldi's soundtrack, just amazing.

3 - It’s a Wonderful Life: People who don’t like this movie concern me. They don’t need heart transplants, they need heart installations! Granted, Jimmy Stewart is totally adorable in my eyes. If you’re a fan of this movie, make sure you rent SNL’s Christmas Special and watch their version of the “lost ending”.

2 - How the Grinch stole Christmas (the live action version): Next to Liar, Liar, this is my favorite Jim Carey movie. It has some of the greatest lines, I still recite every holiday season. "Blast this Christmas music. It's joyful and triumphant." "The nerve of those Whos. Inviting me down there - and on such short notice. Even if I wanted to go my schedule wouldn't allow it. Four o'clock, wallow in self pity; 4:30, stare into the abyss; 5:00, solve world hunger, tell no one. 5:30, jazzercize. 6:30, dinner with me. I can't cancel that again. 7:00, wrestle with my self-loathing; I'm booked. Of course, if I bump the loathing to 9 I could still be done in time to lay in bed, stare at the ceiling and slip slowly into madness. But what would I wear?"

1 - Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer: This must have been one of the first Christmas specials I watched when I was young, actually it was released the year I was born. Rudolph holds a special place in my heart along with Hermey, King Moonracer, Sam the Snowman and Yukon Cornelius. “Didn’t I ever tell you about Bumbles? Bumbles Bounce!”