I have a very tight inner-circle as friends and I've found that as I get older...that circle becomes tighter and tighter.
I let people in on occasion but I'm very skeptical of why they want to be friends, what their intentions are and I'm especially careful of two-faced, back-stabbing BS.
Today I got another example of why I keep my circle as tight as I do:
There's a girl I used to work with, her sister who works at the same job as I do and another girl who I worked with years ago who works here as well.
The sisters are tight, the other girl is tight with one of the sisters and I consider all three of them friends. (they know alot about me, I know alot about them..blah, blah, blah.
So today one of them sends me an inter-company instant message telling me that the three of them are talking about going to see a movie. Not at the theatre where I work; a different, smaller one that shows more of the independant movie-types. So she asks me if I want to go too.
I told her I didn't know if I was working that night, that I'd find out tonight and let her know.
Then I tell her that the same movie is playing where I work the same night and suggest that we go there because I can get all four of us in for free.
Her response was "well, I'll see what the others say and let you know" or something to that point. (which I thought was a VERY strange response)
So I told her that if they were going to go to the other theatre than I wasn't going to go because it doesn't make sense for me to pay for a movie I can see for free.
A couple hours later, she e-mails me and says that the general consensus is that they want to go to the other theatre but thanks for the offer and they'll take me up on it another time.
Then I find out that when she sent the initial e-mail asking the other two about the movie..she asked them if she should invite me.
Doesn't that seem like a strange question to ask about someone whose "a friend"?
Why didn't she just include me in the original e-mail?
Needless to say, I didn't respond to her e-mail and I'll be fucking damned if I ever invite their asses to another free movie. (oh yeah, i didn't mention that I've already taken them to 3 or 4)
What makes this even funnier is one of the sisters never has anything good to say about the other girl we all know...but somehow that girl got invited and I got the shaft.
But, I did get the best joke I've heard in weeks a few minutes ago which completely cheered me up from all this estrogen-induced BS:
I was all depressed last night so I called LifeLine
Got connected to a Call Center in Pakistan
I told them I was suicidal
They got all excited and asked if I could drive a truck!