Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Another question I can't answer....

Time to post another stupid question asked repeatedly by movie theatre customers.

A couple weeks ago we had an electrical fire in one of our theatre rooms. They were able to contain it to just that one room but it fried the heating unit. Come to find out, it probably won't be fixed for at least two weeks.
So the management put the lowest selling movie in that room and instructed us to inform any customers buying a ticket for that show that there was no heat.

So we did and we got the greatest questions.
"Do I get a disount?" but my favorite was: "How cold is it?"
Here....let me check my personal thermostat. I DON'T KNOW.

The thing about it is, this movie is big with teenagers. Especially more of the urban variety or the kids who like to dance. (It's called "How She Move"....catchy, I know...)
And teenagers like nothing more than going out in cold weather with short sleeve shirts or just a hoodie on.

I sat in that theatre for a movie the night after the fire and I had on a wind-breaker, a jacket over it and my gloves and I was still a little cold.
Needless to say, we got some static about it but hey,...I can't be blamed because people dress like idiots in New York State in the middle of January.
Next time bring your parka and snow boots!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Dane Cook - Date at the movies Part 1

Watch this until 2:13 and then go to Part 2 because who ever posted this seemed to have the need to edit some good stuff out!
This guy kills me...and it doesn't hurt that he's HOT!

Dane Cook - Date at the movies Part 2

The timing is a bit off between audio and video but...I want THIS to be the previews at our theatre.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Your shorts are like especially gold today

Juno MacGuff: [voice over as track team runs by] When I see them all running like that, with their things bouncing around in their shorts, I always picture them naked, even if I don't want to. All I see is pork swords.

So I went to see the movie Juno last night.
My rating; 4 freakin stars.
I loved it!
It wasn’t the typical modern-day comedy that I hate.
(you know, where “hero” acts like an ass, without one shred of human decency and everyone acts like it’s normal but the “hero” still feels misunderstood)
Juno is a total smart ass, which I LOVE and can relate to, and the story itself is really good.
It doesn’t go where the usual happy-ending movie about teenage pregnancy normally goes.

It’s funny though, it seems like every time I go see a movie SOMEthing ends up happening to make it interesting.
And yes, I’m talking about my follow movie-goers.
What is it about you people?
Is there something in the vestibule that sucks all the brains cells out of your melon until you leave?
No, not ALL of you but I run into at least a couple of you idiots at every screening!!

Here’s what happened last night:
At one point I was the ONLY one in the theatre; then these 3 girls come in, they had the WHOLE theatre to choose from and where do they sit? Right behind me
Then 3 more girls come in, they have a choice of the 200+ other seats to pick from. Where do they sit? Right infront of me, which was okay, but weird.
Then this older couple sat at the other side of my row
Then the middle of the movie, I hear snoring. EXCUSE ME? The dude down my row is asleep…and freakin snoring!!
And his wife/girlfriend/whatever is just sitting there watching the movie like this is normal.
I can't have it!!
So I turn to the lady and said "WILL YOU WAKE HIM UP PLEASE!" which started a sea of giggles around me
But seriously...why pay $9.25 to sleep at the movies when you can do that $hit at home for free and annoy no one??

It’s always somethin’!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Some day he'll find his Becky Thatcher...

A very belated welcome-to-the-world to my cousin Tracy’s little boy Jacob Thomas Sawyer.

Jacob was born on 12/27/07 at 11:50PM. He weighed 8lbs 1oz and 20 1/2 inches. As of two weeks ago he weighed 8lbs 13oz and was 21 3/4 inches.

They even have a website where they updated pictures of him almost daily.
(the one I posted here is a personal favorite!)

Those first borns...they get all the attention!

Congrats Tracy and Claude!
see ya soon little guy!

Monday, January 21, 2008

What the?............

I think I'm rubbing off on my box office co-workers.
One of them gave out a Class 1 verbal Pimp Slap over the weekend.

Saturday night I work with this other woman who, like me, is a 2-job person.
She's always so nice, doesn't have many bad things to say about anyone. She's just there to work and get paid.

So some college puke was at her window, asked her if we had a college discount..she said no.
He asked her if we will ever have a college discount...she said she didn't know but probably not.
Then he said something else that I didn't hear (probably just complaining in general) and she said "Welcome to the real world!"

Poor, sweet woman...I've corrupted her! (ain't it great?!?!)

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

"I'll take stupid questions for $500, Alex"

There are some questions that are so stupid it’s almost impossible to think of an answer stupid enough to use as a response.

This past weekend we were REALLY busy at the movie theatre; which was surprising. Of what the managers told me it usually dies after the holidays and remains slow until the spring/summer blockbusters come out.
One night we did a little over 1300 people in about an hour and a half. That averages out to over 14 tickets a minute. Is that insane or what?

So what was the question I was barraged with all night?
“Why are there so many people here?”

How do you even answer that question?
Why would someone even ask it? What kind of answer are they expecting?

So I decided that instead of getting frustrated by it, I’d make a game of it.
My first response was “Well, if you hadn’t invited all your friends we would’ve have a quiet night, thanks.”
Then I got a LITTLE more creative:
“We’re giving away free turkeys at the concession stand”
“Johnny Depp is here to make out with anyone coming in to see Sweeney Todd”
“It’s buy 10 tickets, get 10 free night”

I'm sure I'll hear this question again in the near future so feel free to post your snappy come-backs in the comments long as you don't mind me using them.
Even the biggest smart ass in Monroe County can run out of ideas!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Why women have a hard time being friends..

I have a very tight inner-circle as friends and I've found that as I get older...that circle becomes tighter and tighter.
I let people in on occasion but I'm very skeptical of why they want to be friends, what their intentions are and I'm especially careful of two-faced, back-stabbing BS.

Today I got another example of why I keep my circle as tight as I do:
There's a girl I used to work with, her sister who works at the same job as I do and another girl who I worked with years ago who works here as well.
The sisters are tight, the other girl is tight with one of the sisters and I consider all three of them friends. (they know alot about me, I know alot about them..blah, blah, blah.
So today one of them sends me an inter-company instant message telling me that the three of them are talking about going to see a movie. Not at the theatre where I work; a different, smaller one that shows more of the independant movie-types. So she asks me if I want to go too.

I told her I didn't know if I was working that night, that I'd find out tonight and let her know.
Then I tell her that the same movie is playing where I work the same night and suggest that we go there because I can get all four of us in for free.
Her response was "well, I'll see what the others say and let you know" or something to that point. (which I thought was a VERY strange response)

So I told her that if they were going to go to the other theatre than I wasn't going to go because it doesn't make sense for me to pay for a movie I can see for free.
A couple hours later, she e-mails me and says that the general consensus is that they want to go to the other theatre but thanks for the offer and they'll take me up on it another time.

Then I find out that when she sent the initial e-mail asking the other two about the movie..she asked them if she should invite me.
Doesn't that seem like a strange question to ask about someone whose "a friend"?
Why didn't she just include me in the original e-mail?

Needless to say, I didn't respond to her e-mail and I'll be fucking damned if I ever invite their asses to another free movie. (oh yeah, i didn't mention that I've already taken them to 3 or 4)
What makes this even funnier is one of the sisters never has anything good to say about the other girl we all know...but somehow that girl got invited and I got the shaft.

But, I did get the best joke I've heard in weeks a few minutes ago which completely cheered me up from all this estrogen-induced BS:
I was all depressed last night so I called LifeLine
Got connected to a Call Center in Pakistan
I told them I was suicidal
They got all excited and asked if I could drive a truck!