Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Another question I can't answer....

Time to post another stupid question asked repeatedly by movie theatre customers.

A couple weeks ago we had an electrical fire in one of our theatre rooms. They were able to contain it to just that one room but it fried the heating unit. Come to find out, it probably won't be fixed for at least two weeks.
So the management put the lowest selling movie in that room and instructed us to inform any customers buying a ticket for that show that there was no heat.

So we did and we got the greatest questions.
"Do I get a disount?" but my favorite was: "How cold is it?"
Here....let me check my personal thermostat. I DON'T KNOW.

The thing about it is, this movie is big with teenagers. Especially more of the urban variety or the kids who like to dance. (It's called "How She Move"....catchy, I know...)
And teenagers like nothing more than going out in cold weather with short sleeve shirts or just a hoodie on.

I sat in that theatre for a movie the night after the fire and I had on a wind-breaker, a jacket over it and my gloves and I was still a little cold.
Needless to say, we got some static about it but hey,...I can't be blamed because people dress like idiots in New York State in the middle of January.
Next time bring your parka and snow boots!

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