Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Good news, great support and going forward

It's amazing what a difference a week makes! Scares like last week really put things in perspective. When you think you health and life are's amazing what runs through your mind. Just things like packing up Christmas items and thinking "I wonder who will use these when I'm gone?"
If that wasn't an example how worrying is such a monumental waste of time.

I will say one thing, you realize who your real friends are. I only shared my fears with a few people and they were INCREDIBLY supportive. I will remember that too.

So the test itself wasn't bad at all. Took only about 5 minutes total. I was a nervous wreck though. And then after the machine turned off....I just waited...and waited. Nothing. Add to that the fact that I had to keep my eyes closed. Finally I started speaking loudly "Hello? Is anyone in here? HELLO?!" Someone did reply to me. They had called a doctor to take a look at the scans. WHAT?!?!? The lady told me that it was only to confirm that they did all the scans correctly. She also told me that if he noticed anything serious they would've kept me there. (which I know is true after having my leg scanned when I had blood clot.)

I finally heard from my Dr.'s office Friday telling me that the scans came out fine. I was SO relieved!! You don't mess around with the brain. People always told me that I needed my head examined. lol! Although I'm still having issues, at least the serious things that could cause it have been ruled out. Now it's just solving the mystery.Next stop, the ear, nose and throat folks.

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