Monday, October 31, 2005

Almost too scary to post pictures

So it seems as if the thing to do today is list the movies that you think are the most scary and why. In keeping with that tradition and what seems like an un-ending compilation of's mine:

The Exorcist-Hands down the scariest movie ever made. I can't even watch it, can't watch shows dealing with it and even pictures from it creep me out. When it was re-released to the theatres about 5 years ago I tried talking people at work into going to see it with me. I couldn't imagine how scary it must have been on the big screen and I couldn't get one taker. Probably a good thing, I'd still be having nightmares.

The Exorcist III- Probably the least known of my scary movies. Must be something about whacky people in insane asylums being posessed. When you see folks crawling along the ceiling like flies...there's no way the hair on the back of your neck won't get prickly.

Poltergeist- Not as scary after seeing it a billion times but the scene where the guy claws off his face in the mirror, EW! Better yet I don't think any kid had a stuffed clown in their room after this flick came out.

The Omen- MANY spooky memorable moments in this one but the nanny coming after the mother in the hospital HAS to be the worst.

The Shining- The creepy lady in Room 237, the chopped up twins in the hallway, Scatman Crothers getting axed in the lobby, the blood pouring out of the elevator and Jack Nicholson at his craziest.

Blair Witch Project- once the truth got out that this movie was a complete farce it KIND of took the thrill out of it but if you watch it with the lights out and the surround sound on,'s still a pretty scary ride. Hearing the screaming in the background is it's frightening best!


1 comment:

Pat & Reg said...

You should rent "The Changeling" with George C. Scott. It's a good old-fashioned ghost story that has no gore but is one of the scariest movies ever. Watch it alone at night if you dare!