Friday, September 30, 2005

I have a new love...and his name is Woodchuck. I met him when I was at the official home of the Rochester, NY chapter of Buffalo Bills Backers, Woody's II. There he stood, over the tap looking longingly into my eyes. I couldn't resist. LOL
His full name is Woodchuck Cider.
What can I say, I've never been a beer drinker. Maybe it's because my father used to let me have sips of his beer out of his glass of Utica Club. My tastebuds were forever tainted. We toured their brewery once, I think it was a right-of-passage for anyone who lived there. I remember at the end of the tour they had samples of beer for the adults and rootbeer for the kids. It was the most digusting soda (or "pop" for you western, NY folks) that I have ever tasted. I remembering drinking from a keg at a HS graduation party...basically because everyone else was drinking and I didn't want to look out of place. Then I moved on to a deerskin flask of Peppermint Shnapps. Do all 20 year olds go through a Schnapps-stage? Then it was all those lovely fruity drinks out at the clubs. And shots, I always loved shots. Still do. Although you won't catch me anywhere near a shot of Tequila ever since I got kicked out of one of my favorite watering holes because I was going to start a fight with some girls who was trying to make the moves on a guy I liked. I had a 48 hangover after doing about 8 shots of Sambuca one night, the smell of it still make me nauseaus to this day. I'm a known Long Island Iced Tea lover and would be happy to tell the story some day of how my 70 year old grandmother and her cronnies up at the lake decided to have a pitcher of these concoctions one night and had to be carried to bed because they couldn't move after downing a few. There's a lesson to be learned there, never mix...especially after 70.

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