Thursday, February 16, 2006

And the ugly dog wins..AGAIN

I now know as much as I love animals and have a pretty good idea as to what a breed is supposed to look like I can never be a judge at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog show. Why? Because I would never give the Best in Show to an ugly dog.
Afghan hounds wouldn't have a chance with me, neither would a Kuvacz or a Portugese Water Dog. They're so homely they can't stand the sight of themselves in the mirror.
The other night the Best in Show final featured a GORGEOUS Golden Retriever (who just beat out one of my favorites; the Irish Setter), a sturdy and handsome Dalmation, a kick ass Rottweiler, a classic Old English Sheepdog, an adorable pug, a Scottish Deerhound and Spuds MacKenzie. (anyone from the 80's will remember that dog as the face of Bud least I THINK it was Bud Light)
And who won? I think from my early ranting and raving you can tell that the butt-ugly Bull Terrier beat out all those beautiful dogs. He's so ugly I will not shame this page by posting his picture. (the pic of Mick Jagger below is bad enough) I'm glad I recorded the finale of the show Tuesday night and didn't watch it live. I wouldn't have a working TV right now, it would have my boot in the middle of it. I did watch the recording of all the group finals but didn't even bother watching BIS because it would just have aggravated me.
I've been watching the show for about...10 years now and I can probably count on one hand how many times a physically beautiful dog has won the big prize. I remember the German Shepard who won it back in 1987, the Pomeranian (the only toy dog I could tolerate owning) in 1988 and one of my ALL time favorites; Josh the Newfoundland who won it in 2004. He was awesome and you can tell he made an impression on me because I still remember his name. Josh was gorgeous; big, (155lbs which is the biggest dog to ever win) black, and hairy. He had to be the first BIS I can remember who barked during his judging. You just couldn't stifle his personality. I can't remember who the other finalists were but I do remember there were many ugly dogs in it and I was cringing to think they'd win out over the clunky yet somehow graceful Josh. I actually cheered out loud when he won. Look at him!! Isn't he the best?!?!?!
Yeah, beauty may be in the eye of the beholder but I'm starting to think Westminster judges are pretty blind!

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